





Car-Dun-Al Dog Training Club > Facility Information

Facility Description

Located in the far back corner of a business complex consisting of several single-story buildings with varying vendors.

Crating & Potty Area

Grassy areas across from main door and also on the side of the road heading toward the exit.

Public Wi-Fi: No

Overall Cleanliness: Very good. Even saw volunteers picking up the floor between runs.

Defibrillator: No

Air Conditioning: No

Individual or Ceiling Fans: No

Heat: Yes

Restrooms: Very clean. Two unisex bathrooms. Usually a line.

Kitchen/club provided food: Smack Dab Agility had some of the best catered lunches ever! The continental breakfast was also very good.

Room for Dogs to Run: None nearby.

Standard trial schedule: October through early May.

Practice opportunities: Yes Ring rental available for $20 an hour per handler.