If you’re from West Michigan, you know we’re currently in poor shape when it comes to finding places to both train and trial for dog agility. In the winter, there’s nothing indoors and heated. In the summer, there’s nothing air-conditioned. The Michigan climate needs both. A non-profit group called West Michigan Dog Sports is working hard to change that. But Cedar Rock Sports Plex beat them to it when it comes to offering a facility for competitions.
Cudahy Kennel Club Site Visit
In November, 2023 I visited an agility trial at Cudahy Kennel Club in St. Francis, Wisconsin. While I was not trialing that day, the trial was on my way home from a Thanksgiving Day visit so I stopped in to check it out. After convincing the club that I was not there to take pictures of their dogs and then use them to sell dogs I might be breeding (no, I’m not a breeder), they allowed me to take pictures and talk to folks about the dogagilitytrials.com website. In all fairness, there were reports of breeders doing that in the area!
Run Happy!
This weekend I watched a friend with a nontraditional dog run a class at an agility competition. The handler and dog were struggling throughout the course. They got all the way to the last jump (already NQ’d) and the dog missed the last jump. I saw my friend’s body slump and she threw her hands up in despair.
Aggressive or Reactive Dogs at Agility Competitions
There are some who tout that aggressive or reactive dogs have no place at an agility trial. Many of these individuals never had to deal with a dog that was aggressive or reactive. They blame the dog’s owner, poor breeding, and poor selection of a breeder. While breeding may be the top reason for aggressive dog traits, the owner often has no way of ever knowing that their dog might be one, even if they did due diligence in their pre-buying research.
How to Find Agility Trials
A Solution to Dog Water Spills in Soft Crates
We all love the portability of bringing soft crates to agility trials. However, one of the issues has always been keeping our dogs hydrated without having them spill water everywhere. Even “spill-proof” water bowls tend to get knocked over and then the bedding and everything under it gets wet.
Turf, Agility Club are Highlights at Sports Domain Academy, Clifton NJ
>> For more pictures and details about dog agility trials at Bella Vista Training Center, hotels where you can leave reviews, and more, see the Sports Domain Academy section of this website.
Dog agility trials at the Sports Domain Academy in Clifton, New Jersey offer what most people want most – a good turf floor and, in the summer, air-conditioning. On my recent visit there, fellow competitors with fast dogs agreed that the turf at Sports Domain fits the bill, with the A/C providing some relief from the heat. The trial was hosted by Staten Island Companion Dog Training Club on July 20-21, 2019 and judged by Carol Mount and Paul Mount from Matawan NJ.
There were several issues I encountered on this visit. Put together, they were somewhat frustrating – but only because it was my first time trialing there. Here’s a recap of my experience, some of which one might be able to avoid to make their visit more enjoyable.
Bella Vista Training Center, “Our ‘favorite-ist’ place”

>> For more pictures and details about dog agility trials at Bella Vista Training Center, hotels where you can leave reviews, and more, see the Bella Vista Training Center section of this website.
The drive to Bella Vista Training Center (BVTC) in Lewisberry Pennsylvania was absolutely beautiful. I came from Bloomsburg and my GPS took me a route through curvy mountain roads and quaint small towns. On my stop in Harrisburg, however, the weather changed quickly. According to an alert on my phone and a radar lookup, a tornado was headed straight for us. Thanks to the nice folks at PetSmart, the dogs and I hunkered down in their store along with others in the area seeking some safety.
Calusa Dog Club Creates Fun, Welcoming Trial at Turner Agri-Civic Center

>> For more pictures and details about dog agility trials at the Turner Agri-Civic Center, hotels where you can leave reviews, and local area restaurants, see the Turner Agri-Civic Center section of this website.
Summertime is hot in Florida, there is no doubt about that. So the Calusa Dog Agility Club definitely does things right by having their June agility trial in the air-conditioned Turner Agri-Civic Center in Arcadia, Florida. I was warned before I got there to wear layers because it’s really cold. The confirmation sent out by the trial secretary even suggests competitors bring a sweater. But I have to say that the chilly air was the saving grace when coming in from the Florida sunshine. This AKC trial was held June 21-23 inside the arena with two rings and two judges.
Read More >>No Boredom at the Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds Spring Classic Dog Shows

>> For more pictures and details about Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds, a park in the area, and hotels where you can leave reviews, see the Eastern Idaho Fairgrounds expanded section.
The East Idaho Spring Classic Dog Shows June 13-16, 2019 in Blackfoot, Idaho had a lot to offer every dog competitor and guest. Two clubs, the Pocatello Kennel Club and the Eagle Rock Kennel Club, hosted the event. Along with four days of agility they had conformation, obedience, rally, FAST CAT (Friday/Saturday only), and Scent Work. Other special events included:
- The National Owner-Handled Series Celebration
- 4-6 Month Puppy Competition (Friday)
- An all-breed Puppy Match (Saturday)
- Aloha Yappy Hour Luau (Friday) just for the fun of it
- Celebrate the Great Outdoors Bar-B-Que (Saturday)
- An eye clinic offered by Mountain West Veterinary Ophthalmology to get your dog’s eye certification
No getting bored at this event!