






The Field House > Facility Information

Facility Description

  • A state of the art athletic facility.
  • While not air conditioned, the club rents large fans for their late July trial
  • Building is well insulated
  • The weather in late July is “late summer,” warm days (70s-80s), cool nights (50s-60s)
  • The weather during their April trial is early spring (snow is usually melted, ground still thawing, temperatures in the 30s-50

Air Conditioning: No

Individual or Ceiling Fans: Yes

Heat: Yes

Standard trial schedule: BOTC offers two weekends of agility each year:
1. A 3-day trial in April (Fri-Sun, AKC Week #16)
2. A 4-day Trial in July (Thurs-Sun, AKC Week #30)
3. Two judges are selected for the 4-day trial, one judge Thursday/Friday and a different judge on Saturday/Sunday.
4. The first day of each trial starts at 10 am, and is typically Excellent/Master-only (STD & JWW) with Time 2 Beat at the end of the day.