Tulsa State Fairgrounds Expo Square Mustang Arena > Overnight Options
Please see the hotel search to find hotels and their “paw” ratings that are near the agility trial you plan to attend.
- The RV Park is located on the northwest corner of Expo Square
- Enter at Gate 5, located on 15th Street
- Expo Square RV Park
- 3890 East 15th Street
- Tulsa, OK 74112
- Office phone: (918) 744-1113, ext. 2154
- https://www.exposquare.com/p/fair-meadows/305 for more information and registration
- Cash or credit cards only; no checks accepted
- Must check out as you depart
- Additional charges for late payment, and late checkout
- $40 non-refundable deposit required to secure a reservation, with remaining balance due upon arrival
- Generator operation is not allowed
- A dog run is located next to the playground
- Wi-Fi is available in some locations; stronger connection available for a fee
Camping permitted on site: Yes
RV Electic Hookup: Yes
RV Water Hookup: Yes
RV dump station / Propane fill-up: Located on siteShowers: Yes