





McGough Arena WNC Agricultural Center > Ring

[caption id=”attachment_5824″ align=”alignleft” width=”300″]Agility Ring View, McGough Arena, Fletcher NC Agility Ring View[/caption]

The agility rings were bright. Since it is an arena, the ceiling is very tall and sounds carry (such as barking dogs). Overall it was a high sensory overload environment but most dogs seemed to adjust just fine. Although the building is heated, the floor level was quite cool and drafty when I was there, especially on the days it snowed.

Floor Description:
The dirt floor was well maintained. Every evening after the trial was over, it was watered down and sometimes re-dragged. Overall a nice surface and not nearly as dusty as many dirt floors I’ve seen.

Ring Type: Indoors
No. of Rings: 2
Size of Ring(s): 100′ x 100′

Floor Type: Dirt

Noise/Distractions During Trial:

The high ceiling and metal beams made sounds carry. An airport across the street also created loud noises when planes took off and landed.


Dependent on club. The club there when I visited was the North Carolina Dog Fanciers Association. This club does not normally hold trials there; they were asked to assist with the Golden Retriever Nationals and provide equipment. Used the old style timers that had to be moved up and down the pole manually. Dog walk was wobbly, and jump cups had to be moved every time a height changed. Since this was 2014, it is likely they’ve upgraded equipment since then.

Equipment Ownership: Club